One of the things I loved most about my time in Europe this past summer was spending time in markets. Abuzz with activity, sounds and smells, open market squares were the perfect place to soak up culture and do a little shopping at the same time. When I returned home to the states all I could think was how much I missed the open markets I had visited.

Why can’t we make a go of permanent open air markets here? I mean if Helsinki, Finland can have one year round then towns in New England certainly could make it work, no excuses that it gets too cold here. With the popularity of farmers markets, buying organic and local, I think open markets would be a hit. While farmers markets are great and each town has their own, they are usually just for a few hours one day a week. It would be great to have the market atmosphere available everyday.
So what makes open air markets so wonderful? Where do I begin?!
1. Tons of fresh produce.
2. Fresh food on the go.
3. Great people watching.
4. Supporting local small businesses.
5. So many unique and handmade gifts.
Maybe one day daily open air markets will make their way across the Atlantic. Until then I will have to remember the many happy hours I spent in the markets of Europe and maybe plan a trip back so I can enjoy them again.
1 Comment
The best part of open air markets was that when you went for a cup of coffee or tea, you sat and enjoyed it – no drive thru and taking it on the run! Slow down and enjoy the day. I too, ‘drinking in’ all the smells, sounds and sights of the open air markets this past summer. Kippis.