February Vacation is fast approaching. In fact with snow days and school delays, this week before break felt a bit like a mini vacation before the vacation. But this year February Vacation will be unlike any other I have experienced since teaching. Why? Well this year for the first time ever I will not be traveling anywhere.
It is such a strange feeling, not to have a suitcase packed, passport at the ready and teachers to talk with in anticipation of a trip to somewhere new. At work teachers will stop and ask me, where are you headed for break? Nowhere, I am just hanging out at home. Insert shocked face. Follow up question, well then where are you going for April Vacation? It really starts to sink in as I tell them again I have no travel plans.
Of course my bank account needs this lull in travel to get ready for my big trip to South Africa this July. I know it will be an amazing experience. My South African trip will also get me one step closer to my goal of traveling to all seven continents, it will be number six! But it is still strange to think that for school vacations this year I will just be hanging out at home. Clearly this will give me lots of time for planning and reading up on South Africa. Who knows, maybe I’ll even some squeeze in some local travel (still gotta scratch that travel itch!).
One thing that has helped combat these travel blues has been reminiscing on my trip to Spain a year ago. It seems each day a teacher at school I traveled with, tells me about a photo that popped up from the trip and the memory it sparked. Talking about these shared experiences reminds me why travel for teachers is so important. It expands horizons and helps all of us grow as individuals, making us better teachers in the classroom. It also reminds me that I have so much to look forward to this summer when I make new memories in another new country.

Help me beat the travel blues! Leave a suggestion of a great local (to Boston) trip I should take next week or in April during vacation. There is adventure around every corner you just have to go out to find it!