What an amazing trip through Spain! With each country I visit it still surprises me how many new things there are to learn about different cultures. The possibilities are endless for incorporating all that I learned and experienced back into my classroom, but I have come up with a few favorites that are fool proof in getting students engaged and excited about learning. Student Treasures– After each trip when I return home I have students create a class book compiling all they have learned. These class books have come a long way from the word document pages gathered together with […]
STEAM Connection: Windmills of Toledo
One of the places I am most excited to see in my upcoming trip to Spain are the Windmills of the Toledo area. After doing a little bit of research in my guide book and online, I can’t stop thinking about the picturesque views of the whitewashed windmills, plunked down along the Calderico ridge. These beautiful windmills were made famous in the novel Don Quixote. They have inspired me to at least download the novel onto my Kindle to attempt to read before I leave, but that is for another day. While Don Quixote may or may not get read sometime soon, something […]