I have been working like crazy putting together new STEM lessons to do with my students as we wind down the school year. With a few holidays coming up I knew there would be opportunities to tie in STEM activities to reinforce student learning.
First up, it’s finally Spring! (sort of)
While the weather may beg to differ, it is indeed officially spring. With the start of a new season I thought, what better way to celebrate than with a Spring themed STEM lesson making windmills. Students had a blast constructing and testing out their windmill designs! It was a great experience in trial and error, with lots of redesigns to try and meet all the criteria for the challenge. It also spurred a rush of windmill making at home as students came in each day after the lesson and told me what they had created at home.
Earth Day is right around the corner on April 22nd. To celebrate this year my students will take a trip to the STEM lab to create a pencil holder. Not just any pencil holder though. They will use the work of Antoni Gaudi as their inspiration to make recycled, colorful works of art. I can’t wait to share with them about Antoni Gaudi life and work in Spain (ties in beautifully with social studies), and see what they create!
Memorial Day
In May students will learn about Memorial Day. Other than reading books, and sharing short video clips, I thought it would be nice to tie in a STEM lesson. For this one I am going to have to do a little shopping on Amazon, but I found some good deals. First up a book on the American Flag, F Is for Flag (Reading Railroad) is only $3.99 and will be a great fit to kick off the STEM lesson. I also found a set of 50 American Flags
that students will be able to use for the challenge of making a flag stand, and then take home with them. For just $17.99 I will have enough for my own class and another 2nd grade class to complete this STEM lesson.
I have a few more ideas in the works and can’t wait to put them together. Not to mention a few ideas to get us out of the classroom and outside to practice math and other subjects. Got to love the great weather and the end of the year!