States of Matter Around the World

Science is universal. Take the states of matter for example. No matter where you go in the world matter will still be matter. We are currently studying states of matter and of course I have been thinking, “How can I take this study international?” Well I think I have found a way. Students are gearing up to start a big science project that integrates science and technology. Using information they have learned so far about the three states of matter we focus on, solid, liquid and gas; students will go on a scavenger hunt outside around the school to take pictures […]

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Global Read Aloud 

Our school is participating in the global read aloud this year and I couldn’t be more excited. The book for 2nd and 3rd graders is The BFG by Roald Dahl. With fun made up words and fantastical elements, I can’t think of a better book than The BFG.  During a portion of our reading block some students from all three second grade classes come to my room for a reading small group. Over the next few weeks I will read aloud The BFG and we will discuss it. While that is something we could do with any book, what makes this book […]

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Fall Foods Near and Far

Fall has finally arrived! Besides the onset of cooler weather, wearing cozy sweaters and acclimating oneself to back to school routines, there is my favorite fall tradition of going apple picking. What made this fall even better was hearing from my family in Finland. They may not have gone apple picking, but they were gathering food as only the Finns can do. Back in the States, it doesn’t matter where I go, all that matters is that each fall I find a weekend to go and fill a bag with more apples than I could ever possibly consume on my own. […]

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Family Connections

This week in school my students read a informational text about family. During our readings of the selection we took a close look at the family to better understand and learn more about them. We asked questions like, what kinds of things do they like to do? How many people are in their family? What hobbies do the people in the family have? There was so many great points to look at and compare to students’ own families. This story was also a perfect opportunity for me to make a connection to global learning. How could I do this? Well, I […]

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Windmill STEAM Take 2

After visiting Spain last spring, I was hoping to have my students complete a STEAM project connected to the windmills of La Mancha. Unfortunately, with the craziness of testing time, then the end of the year, the project never got off the ground. While we did many other great Spain activities and talked about the windmills made famous by the book Don Quixote, I couldn’t stop thinking about the STEAM project that wasn’t. Over the summer while in Amsterdam my obsession with a windmill STEAM project returned. My sister and I took a day trip outside the city to Zaanse […]

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Spain Day Round Two

Today felt like Spain Day all over again. Between the arrival of our class Spain book and pen pal letters from Spain, it was all Spain all the time in our room today. Yesterday afternoon the class book about Spain finally arrived. For several days/weeks now there have been inquiries of when the book would arrive, and low and behold here they are! Students anxiously awaiting their arrival were made very happy students. (Thanks Student Treasures!) They didn’t arrive until after students had left for the day yesterday, which of course meant a big surprise for this morning. Each student who had […]

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Spain Reunion 

The other night almost all of the teachers who traveled to Spain this past February got together for a little reunion. It was great to see travel friends I haven’t seen since our trip. Getting together also reminded me how lucky I am to be in a school district that supports and understands how important global education is to our students. We started the evening at our school’s library. Everyone had a chance to share different ways they brought the trip back to their classroom. There were iMovies, Power Points and other presentations that immediately brought me back to our trip. It was […]

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Virtual Trip to the Galápagos 

On Friday my class took a virtual trip to the Galápagos Islands. Students learned about a new place in the world and the animals found there, as I reminisced on a fabulous trip and shared what I learned from traveling there. We are gearing up the start of our big animal adaptations unit in science. In class, each student selected an animal to research from places I have traveled to around the world. Over the years, I have gathered resources for students to use for research. Books, websites, brochures, pictures, videos and stories of the animals and the places they live […]

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Greek Teachings

Another week come and gone. I can’t believe just one week ago I was sitting on my cave house patio in Oia. Where does the time go? Anyway, now it’s back to reality and the fast paced life that is the end of the school year. This week tucked between math prep for our state test coming up in two weeks, writing our Spain classroom book, poem in your pocket day, and the usual lessons, I managed to share some pictures and information from my trip to Greece. Students knew I was traveling to Greece for April vacation. We talked briefly before […]

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World Flags, Student Style 

Happy Friday! As we prepare to sail into the weekend I thought I’d share a quick story of a favorite moment I had a few weeks ago. Our school had recently participated in Spain Day, and students were still talking about the different activities they did including coloring Spanish flags. Later that afternoon, before dismissal a student came up to me and asked if he could draw some flags from around the world for me because he knew I liked to travel. I was flattered, what a sweet gesture. I love to encourage global learning, so I told him if […]

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